•Still Photography •Videography •Video Production
Seeing, Watching, Lighting.... has been a part of my experience for nearly 30 years now. Oh, the changes time has revealed!
But, the consistency is in the art of seeing light, watching it work and creating with its' power.
Storytelling. Nothing relays a vision like video.
Our clients include retail and industrial ad campaigns, non-profits, music videos and ministry endeavors.
"It's a cup of coffee, man. You have a great idea? I want to hear about it and make it happen!"
When it's time to engage a bigger audience, and bring your message to the masses, we have the resources, crew and equipment to pull it all together. One of our partners is the NEWTEK TriCaster System- the Premier Broadcast Production System.
cre·ate \ krē-ˈāt, ˈkrē-ˌāt \
created; creating
1: to bring into existence
… God created the heaven and the earth.
— Genesis 1:1
Images. Still, and motion.
Both require an eye for detail, the technical skill to pull off the shot, and the creativity to produce the end result.
Our products include portraits, event photography and action photography.
We do video for business and non-profits, and we can produce video for live-stream and archival of events and sports.